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Services Overview

Provides total OEM/ODM system from formula to products and brand development. You can save time and expense, but moreover, you can lead the market with best quality products and the trustworthy partner and supportive strategy.

  • - OEM Apply your brand and design .
  • - ODM Inquire us development of your products.
  • - OGM Original Global Management.
  • - OBM Original Brand Manufacturing.

Contact Us

Belleza Co., Ltd is pleased to receive your queries, please contact to the following details.

Address: 513-1 Kimori,Onga-machi,
Onga-Gun,Fukuoka,Japan 811-4313
Telephone: +81-93-293-8856
FAX: +81-93-293-8568

Pretty Master

Pretty Master is an associated company of Belleza marketing variety of beauty related products.

Address:Belleza Bldg., 1F, 1-13-1 Ohura, Yahata-nishiku, Kitakyushu-shi,
Fukuoka,Japan 807-0874
Telephone: +81-93-293-8587
FAX: +81-93-293-8568